Press Releases
LOTTE Chemical Holds 46th Regular General Meeting of Shareholders
LOTTE Chemical Holds 46th Regular General Meeting of Shareholders
█ Advanced Materials Business CEO Lee Young-jun reappointed as inside director, former president of Woori Investment Bank Cho Woon Haeng appointed
as new outside director
█ Changed articles of incorporation to enter hydrogen business... Added purpose of business such as ‘transportation equipment gas charging business,’
‘ultra-lightweight composite material gas container manufacturing and sales business,’ ‘investment on new technology businesses, etc.
and other investment-related businesses’
█ Dividends per share 83,000 KRW, total dividends of 284.5 billion KRW
█ CEO Kim Gyo-hyun, “We will strengthen sustainable management by fostering new businesses in eco-friendly and specialty fields such as expanding
the hydrogen business value chain, strengthening battery materials, expanding the plastic recycled materials, etc. and improving the competitiveness
of existing businesses"
LOTTE Chemical (CEO Kim Gyo-hyun) held the 46th regular general meeting of shareholders on the 31st floor of LOTTE World Tower in Jamsil, Seoul at 9 a.m. on the 24th (Thu), and announced that it passed all five agendas including ▲ approval of financial statements ▲ change of articles of incorporation ▲ appointment of directors in their original drafts.
At this general meeting of shareholders, CEO (Vice President) Lee Young-joon was reappointed as an inside director. Mr. Lee, who was appointed as an inside director in March 2020 will continue his term until March 2024. In addition, Advisor Choi Hyun-min of Jipyong Law Firm, Advisor Jeon Woon-bae of Dentons Lee Law Firm, Senior Attorney Lee Geum-ro of Law Firm Pine, and Professor Kan Jung-won of the Korea University Department Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering were reappointed as outside directors.
General Financial Scholarship Association Foundation Director Cho Woon Haeng, who was formerly the president of Woori Investment Bank, was appointed as a new outside director. Director Cho was born in 1961 and has a background as a financial expert who worked in key positions at Woori Bank such as the vice-president of the institutional client department and head of the sales support sector. Together with Choi Hyun-min, Director Cho will serve as audit committee members such as auditing work execution of directors and appointment of outside auditors, etc.
In order to catapult the hydrogen business, △transportation equipment gas charging business, △ultra-lightweight composite material gas container manufacturing and sales business △ investment on new technology businesses, etc. and other investment-related businesses were added as business objectives. Through this, plans are to enter the hydrogen tank business and hydrogen charging station operation business, while also increasing investments to procure new technologies for the future.
In July of last year, LOTTE Chemical announced its eco-friendly hydrogen growth road map ‘Every Step for H2’ by producing 600,000 tons of clean hydrogen and supplying 30% of domestic hydrogen energy demand by 2030. It plans to preoccupy the hydrogen distribution and consumer market while leading the hydrogen economy through cooperation with LOTTE subsidiaries and establishment of joint ventures, etc. LOTTE Chemical is scheduled to establish a joint venture with Air Liquide Korea and SK Gas int he first half of next year for the hydrogen charging business.
It also decided to give 8,300 KRW per share as dividends for a total payout of 284.5 billion KRW, while continuously working on policies for enhancing shareholder value and strengthening profits for LG Group.
LOTTE Chemical CEO Kim Gyo-hyun stated, “Last year was a difficult one due to increased volatility of prices for oil and raw materials, as well as the global logistics crisis, but we still achieved significant accomplishments compared to the previous year,” and added, “In 2022, we will foster new eco-friendly and specialty fields such as expanding the hydrogen business value chain, strengthening the battery materials business, and fostering the plastic recycle materials, and provide competitiveness of existing businesses, while also creating a sustainable business structure by strengthening shareholder return policies and actively investing for a safe environment.