

[Press Release] LOTTE Chemical hosts the 45th annual meeting of shareholders.


LOTTE Chemical hosts the 45th annual meeting of shareholders. ’

█ President Jin Goo Hwang of Basic Material Business Division newly elected an inside director.
█ Adopted electronic voting for shareholders’ rights and elected a female outside director for diversity.
█ “The year 2021 is the first year of LOTTE Chemical’s transformation for a new future…” said President Kyo Hyun Kim.
   “We will construct an ESG operating system for the entire company and discover new business opportunities to be
   a more competitive company.”
President Kyo Hyun Kim is greeting the shareholders at the 45th annual meeting of shareholders held on the 31st floor of Jamsil LOTTE World Tower, Seoul.

LOTTE Chemical hosted the 45th annual meeting of shareholders on the 31st floor of Jamsil LOTTE World Tower, Seoul at 9 AM on the 23rd (Tue) to resolve six agenda, including ▲ approving the financial statements, ▲ modifying the Articles of Incorporation, and ▲ electing the directors.

Last December, LOTTE Group newly elected President Jin Goo Hwang of LOTTE Chemical’s Basic Material Business the inside director. Professor Hye Jung Nam of Accounting at Dongguk University who is a female expert with theoretical and hands-on experience in accounting was newly elected an outside director. Another new non-executive director is Hoon Ki Lee, the Director of Management Innovation at LOTTE Holdings, who used to be the chief executive officer of LOTTE Rental and the head of Planning Division at LOTTE Chemical. LOTTE Chemical now has a total of 11 Board members with the audit committee, transparent management committee, outside director referral committee, and compensation committee.

The latest meeting of shareholders adopted electronic voting for the shareholders’ rights and convenience and resolved to pay 3,600 KRW in cash per common share as dividends. The total amount of dividends is about 123.4 billion KRW and other resolutions have been adopted to enhance shareholders’ value and rights. “The year 2021 is the first year of LOTTE Chemical’ transformation for a new future,” said President Kyo Hyun Kim as the greetings. “We will construct an ESG operating system for the entire company and discover new business opportunities to be a more competitive company.”

For sustainable growth and eco-friendly business, LOTTE Chemical adopted 『Green Promise 2030』 Initiatives for the ESG management strategies last February to embody the eco-friendly business directions and objectives. The four key objectives are 『eco-friendly business』, 『vital circulation of resources』, 『response to climate crisis』, and 『creation of green ecosystem』 to achieve 6 trillion KRW in revenues of the eco-friendly business, 1 million tons of recycled materials, and carbon neutralization growth without an increase in carbon exhaust by 2030.